迁徙徙 xǐ (1) ㄒㄧˇ (2) 迁移:~居(搬家)。
(3) 古代称流放的刑罚:~边(流放有罪的人到边远地区)。
(4) 郑码:OIII,U:5F99,GBK:E1E3 (5) 笔画数:11,部首:彳,笔顺编号:33221212134
汉字笔画: 点、撇、横、横、竖、横、撇、横、竖、撇、点、横、竖折折钩、斜钩、撇、点 一、羲的读音:xī 二、汉字释义: 1. 〔伏~〕中国神话中人类的始祖,和“女娲”、“神农”并称太古的三皇。 2. 〔~和〕a.“羲氏”、“和氏”,传说中掌天文历法的官吏;b.神话中驾日车的神;c.神话中太阳的母亲;d.中国汉代王莽时所设官名。 3. 姓。 三、汉字结构:上下结构 四、部首:羊 五、相关词组: 晨羲、宓羲、沈羲、羲献、皇羲
①新的,不陈的,不干枯的:新鲜[xīn xiān]、屡见不鲜[lǚ jiàn bù xiān]。
②滋味美好:鲜美[xiān měi]、鲜甜[xiān tián]。
③有光彩的:鲜亮[xiān liàng]、鲜艳[xiān yàn]。
④味美的食物:尝鲜[cháng xiān]、时鲜[shí xiān]。
⑤特指鱼虾等水产食物:海鲜[hǎi xiān]、鱼鲜[yú xiān]。
⑥中国古代北方民族:鲜卑族[xiān bēi zú]。
2、鲜 xiǎn,少的意思。
①鲜见:读音[xiǎn jiàn],是很少见到。
②鲜有:读音[xiǎn yǒu],少有。
③鲜为人知:读音[xiǎn wéi rén zhī],很少被人知道,知道的人很少。
④寡见鲜闻:读音[guǎ jiàn xiǎn wén],形容形学识浅薄,见闻不广。
⑤累见不鲜:读音[lěi jiàn bù xiān],容数量多,见怪不怪。
前夕 [ qián xī ]1.前一天的晚上。 2.比喻事情即将发生的时刻。
夕照 [ xī zhào ]傍晚的阳光。
晨夕 [ chén xī ]犹朝夕。旦与暮。天天;时时。
夕月 [ xī yuè ]1.傍晚的月亮。 2.指古代帝王祭月的仪式。
夕暮 [ xī mù ]傍晚。
夕晖 [ xī huī ]日暮前余辉映照;夕阳的光辉。
七、Do So Do So Xi Xi Do是什么歌?
Do So Do So Xi Xi Do不是一首歌曲。通过搜索引擎查询,Do So Do So Xi Xi Do并不是任何一首著名的歌曲,也没有相关的信息或音频文件。可能是一些人随意编造的歌词或者无意义的音节组合。尽管Do So Do So Xi Xi Do不是一首实际存在的歌曲,但是在当代音乐中,许多作曲家和歌手利用无意义的音节和单词制造出了一些非常流行的乐曲和风格。这种音乐形式强调的是节奏和声音的感觉,而不是歌词的意义或内容。在某种程度上,这也反映了当代社会越来越强调即兴、个性化和自由的文化氛围。
八、An Introduction to the City of Xi'an
Xi'an is a vibrant and historical city located in central China. With a rich cultural heritage, this ancient capital has become a popular destination for both domestic and international tourists.
Historical Significance
Xi'an served as the capital of 13 dynasties and played a crucial role in the development of Chinese civilization. It is best known for being the starting point of the ancient Silk Road, which facilitated trade and cultural exchanges between China and the Western world.
One of Xi'an's most famous landmarks is the Terracotta Army, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Discovered in 1974, this army of life-sized clay warriors and horses is a testament to the power and ambition of China's first emperor, Qin Shi Huang.
The city also boasts the ancient City Wall, which encloses the historic center. This well-preserved fortification is one of the oldest and most complete city walls in China and offers breathtaking views of the city.
Cultural Heritage
Xi'an is a treasure trove of cultural relics and historical sites. The Big Wild Goose Pagoda, built during the Tang Dynasty, is a Buddhist pagoda that houses valuable Buddhist scriptures and offers panoramic views of the city.
The Muslim Quarter is another must-visit attraction, famous for its vibrant street markets and delicious local cuisine. The Great Mosque, located in the heart of the quarter, showcases a unique blend of Islamic and Chinese architectural styles.
Economic Development
In recent years, Xi'an has experienced rapid economic growth and has become one of China's key technology and manufacturing hubs. It is home to numerous high-tech companies and universities, contributing to its reputation as a leading center for research and innovation.
With its rich history, cultural heritage, and economic development, Xi'an is a city that seamlessly blends the ancient with the modern. Whether you are interested in exploring its historical sites or experiencing its vibrant city life, Xi'an offers a unique and unforgettable experience.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope it has provided you with a comprehensive introduction to the city of Xi'an.
一、腊的组词:戒腊、僧腊、腊克、腊祭、腊酒腌腊、伏腊、法腊、坐腊、腊茶二、蜡的组词:蜡丸、蜡黄、蜡台、蜡版、蜡泪蜡白、蜡香、蜡坛、蜡疗、蜡嘴三、腊的释义:1、古代在农历十二月里合祭众神叫做腊,因此农历十二月叫腊月。2、冬天(多在腊月)腌制后风干或熏干的(鱼、肉、鸡、鸭等):~肉。~鱼。~味。四、蜡的释义:1、动物、植物所产生的,或石油、煤、油页岩中所含的油质,常温下多为固体,具有可塑性,能燃烧,易熔化,不溶于水,如蜂蜡、白蜡、石蜡等。用作防水剂,也可做蜡烛。2、蜡烛:点上一支~。扩展资料一、腊的说文解字:文言版《说文解字》:腊,冬至後三戌,腊祭百神。从肉,巤声。白话版《说文解字》:腊,冬至后的第三个戌日开始,晒制肉干,以之祭慰百神。字形采用“肉(月)”作边旁,采用“鼠”作声旁。二、蜡的说文解字:文言版《说文解字》:蜡,蝇。《周礼》:“蜡氏掌除骴。”从虫,昔声。白话版《说文解字》:蜡,苍蝇的幼虫。三、相关组词:1、腊肉[là ròu]经过盐腌晒干或浸泡腌制,再加烟熏的肉。2、腊肠[là cháng]熟肉食的一种,猪的瘦肉泥加肥肉丁和淀粉、作料,灌入肠衣,再经煮和烤制成。3、蜡白[là bái]状态词。(脸)没有血色;煞白。4、蜡黄[là huáng]状态词。形容颜色黄得像蜡:~色的琥珀。病人面色~。5、蜡笔[là bǐ]一种绘画用的笔。是蜡与颜料混合加热浇制成的。"
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