

77 2024-09-24 15:50 admin


In 202 BC, China first unified feudal dynasty Qin Dynasty was born. The remains of today'sworld cultural heritage - the Chinese Qin Shihuang of Shaanxi Terracotta Army is the dynasty.Another world cultural heritage - the Great Wall, is beginning to take shape in the Qin dynasty.

Since the Qin Dynasty rulers crave for greatness and success, especially Qin Shihuang to build his luxurious palaces and tombs, the court costs, so the people of exploitation is very cruel,constantly arouse people's uprising. The results, in 15 years, the Qin Dynasty was overthrown.Qin Dynasty, there are two forces vying for new national sovereignty, a team led by Xiang Yu, a team was led by Liu Bang.

Xiang Yu was a general in the army from Chu, strong character, proud, brave. Liu Bang in the Qin Dynasty is destroyed before a low-level bureaucrat, character some cunning, but good with people. In opposition to the Qin Dynasty in the war, two people had married brother, solidarity.The Qin Dynasty perish, two people will not.

Initially he accounted for the absolute superiority. He proclaimed himself "king of Western Chu",equivalent to the emperor, dubbed Liu Bang "HW", only the equivalent of the feudal lords. Liu Bang in order to save their own strength, acknowledges Xiang Yu's dominance of the surface, or to attract talent, the development of the army. Gradually, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu be well-matched in strength.

Xiang Yu and Liu Bang's war for several years, historically known as the "Chu Han contention".Once Xiang Yu Liu Bang played and defeated and captured Liu Bang's father and wife. Xiang Yu Liu father hostage, asking Liu Bang to surrender, threatening Liu Bangruo's surrender, his father killed soup. But Liu Bang had said to Xiang Yu: "we are brothers in the anti Qin, my father is your father, if you take 'our father' soup to drink, don't forget to give me a cup of." Xiang Yuhelpless, had to Liu Bang father and his wife back.

Liu Bang and Xiang Yu's battle to the death occurred in a place called Gaixia (in present-day Anhui). After a fierce battle, Liu Bang's forces surrounded Xiang Yu and his army. Xiang Yu has been at a disadvantage, but there are one hundred thousand forces, Liu Bang and not todestroy Xiang Yu.

One night, surrounded by Xiang Yu and his soldiers heard around the familiar voice rang out.Listen carefully, it is his hometown of Chu folk songs. The song is coming from the Liu Bang camp. Xiang Yu and his men were very surprised, thought that Liu Bang had taken them home,caught many hometown relatives captives, and this familiar song, also caused the soldiers homesickness. A general army morale of chaos, the soldiers have fled by night color, one hundred thousand people had left hundreds of people.

Originally, this is Liu Bang's use of the strategy. He organized his army soldiers sing the sentimental ballads of Chu state, it is in order to disrupt the stability of the Xiang army.

The battle of Gaixia is the final Liu Bang win, Xiang Yu was forced to commit suicide. Later, Liu Bang established the Han dynasty. The Han Dynasty is one of the most prosperous period of Chinese history, in the economic and cultural aspects for the attention of the world.


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My favorite star is Jay.I like his songs very much.He is very tall and thin.


He likes playing basketball and singing.He is very cool.I always hope to see his.

他喜欢玩篮球和唱歌. 他非常酷.我经常去看他

And he is handsome。His miusc is very good,I like《DUAN LE DE XIAN 》best,beacuse it‘s very dulcet


There are three people in his family:mum,grandma and him。jay loves his mum and grangma very much。 He is very obedient.


Jay was born in Taiwan and he is famous a singer.


We don't konw why we do like him


In fact ,many people are all like me like him very much.



The Great Wall of China is called the "Ten thousand Ii Great Wall" in Chinese。 In fact, it' s more than 6 000 kilometres long。

It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea。 It is one of the wonders of the world。
























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Hi everyone, allow me to introduce myself! My name is [Your Name] and I am pleased to share with you a little bit about myself. In this article, I will talk about my background, interests, hobbies, and goals.


I was born and raised in [Your City/Country] and come from a [insert relevant background] family. I am [age] years old and currently studying [insert your current level of education] at [insert school name]. My academic journey has been filled with various experiences and challenges, but they have all contributed to shaping me into the person I am today.

Interests and Hobbies

When it comes to my interests, I have a wide range of passions. Firstly, I am an avid reader and enjoy immersing myself in different genres of literature. From classic novels to contemporary non-fiction, I always find joy and enlightenment in the world of books. Additionally, I have a strong interest in music and have been playing the [insert instrument] for [number of years]. Playing music allows me to express myself creatively and unwind from the demands of everyday life.

In my leisure time, you can often find me outdoors, exploring nature and taking photographs. Photography has become a beloved hobby of mine, as it allows me to capture the beauty of the world around me. Whether it's a stunning landscape or the intricate details of everyday objects, I find inspiration in the art of photography.

Goals and Aspirations

Looking towards the future, I have several goals and aspirations. Academically, I strive to excel in my studies and pursue a career in [insert desired field]. I am passionate about making a positive impact and hope to contribute to society in a meaningful way. Moreover, I aim to continue developing my skills and knowledge through lifelong learning, as I believe that personal growth is a lifelong journey.

Besides my academic and career goals, I also emphasize the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. I value spending quality time with my family and friends, as they provide support and happiness in my life. I also recognize the significance of taking care of my physical and mental well-being, as they are crucial for overall success and fulfillment.

Thank you for taking the time to read my self-introduction. I hope this provides you with some insight into who I am as an individual. If you have any further questions or would like to know more about any specific aspect of my life, please feel free to reach out. I look forward to engaging with you!


A hippo is bounding around on my head.


  Gorillas are banging on drums.


  A rhino is charging me full speed ahead


  while a crocodile's eyeing my thumbs.


  A rattlesnake's winding his way up my side.


  A tiger is sniffing my clothes.


  A grizzly just grabbed me, his mouth open wide.


  A tarantula's perched on my nose.


  I'm drowning, surrounded by man-eating sharks.


  An elephant sits on my chest.


  Yes, that's how it feels when the teacher remarks,


  "Grab your pencils. It's time for the test."



ancient prose movement in Tang Dynasty, was called "Han liu". Liu Yuxi and said, Liu Liu ". Wang Wei, Meng Haoran, and Wang Mengwei and Wei Yingwu "liu". Liu Zongyuan left more than 600 works in prose and verse. His philosophy is simpleadventures as a clue, narrate the experience the journey of knowledge and natural landscape, almost half of the space to express him demoted by Yongzhou after natural travel when Chujingshengqing feeling, which naturally the two sections


Four stars near the bright band of the Milky Way have revealed a secret:

  the presence of a hidden dwarf galaxy.

  Six years ago astronomers predicted that such a galaxy might be in that region based on observed ripples in the Milky Way's disk.

  The galaxy is small, faint, and dominated by invisible dark matter.

  That combination obviously makes it very hard to see.

  Furthermore, it lies behind a shroud of dust that blocks any visible light from passing through.

  Now scientists have identified four stars that appear to belong to the galaxy by examining infrared light, which can cut through dust.

  The stars are known as Cepheid variables.

  They pulse brighter and dimmer in a predictable pattern, which allows astronomers to determine how far they are from us—about 300,000 light years.

  That distance puts them well beyond the main body of the Milky Way and right where an orbiting dwarf galaxy might lie.

  The finding is in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

  Dwarf galaxies like this one are thought to contain more dark matter than regular matter.

  So tracking down such dwarfs could give researchers more clues in the quest to figure out what dark matter is made of.

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